German: > Oldtimer


A few Ropeway-Oldtimer:

Ehrenbreitstein Chairlift
A old PHB chairlift in the city Koblenz on the river Rhine.

The oldest original Ropeway in Germany. (

Aeri de Montserrat (Spain)
This Gondola Tramway is over 77 years old.
More pictures and informations: Aeri de Montserrat

A PHB double chair to the Rietburg Castle (Germany). (
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Hexentanzplatz Bahn Thale (Germany)
Bulidt in 1969 by Transporta Chrudim, as a Bicable-Gondola. (
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Picture (c) by Seilbahnen Thale GmbH

Cabriolet-Lift at the Lago Maggiore (Italia)
An old Trojer Cabriolet-Lift at the Lago Maggiore
more information comming soon!

Barcelona Harbour-Ropeway (Spain)
A Bleichert Ropeway over the Barcelona harbour.
more informations comming soon!